Well, another day in the tundra. We have had about three to four feet of snow, my guess, in the last thirty-six hours or so. It is supposed to continue snowing the next three days, but then it is supposed to warm up a little. We are expecting positive digits later this week.
I had the best meal last night. It was almost, not quite but almost, like being back in civilaztion. Many of you have heard me talk about the two wonderful ladies, Kris and Paula, who feed several of us on regular occasion. Well, last night was one of those occasions. We had delicious pork chops, potato salad, and corn. For dessert we had, are you ready for this, homemade ice cream and WAFFLE CONES!!!!!!!!!! Paula had to go to California for the funeral of her sister Kallie, and brought Kris a waffle cone maker back for Christmas. They were so delicious. The ice cream tasted like snow cream. Now, I know you are thinking to yourself, "Can't she have snow cream all the time???" The answer, unfortunately, is no. The snow here is SO DRY that it squeaks when you walk on it. It doesn't make for very good snow cream. :(
I was going to attempt Macbeth with one of my reading classes, but decided against it. Instead we are looking at a book of short stories by O. Henry. That way, I don't have to explain "gory locks". haha.
My new schedule gives me the last hour of the day to plan for things. Not my favorite time, but I guess I will deal. Hope you are all warm.
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