Well, we had ANOTHER BLIZZARD yesterday. It was so bad that they called off school. Basically that means that we had a complete white out. This was the third or fourth time in two weeks (I'm losing count) that we have had blizzard/white out conditions. These lovely blizzards have led to a first for me. I had to shovel snow. The reason being that there was snow up to my chest blocking my door. The first couple of days, I just sort of jumped out and rolled or slid down the hill toward the boardwalk. When I got home, I would have to jump down into the house. That got old, so borrowed a shovel, seen in the pic, and got busy. I shoveled enough for us to be able to get in and out, and it took about an hour. (See after pics) My shoulders were so SORE that night I was afraid that I would be dead in the morning. Then, another blizzard and more snow and it is all piled up again. ARGH, it's like trying to empty a pool with an eyedropper. I spoke with several people, and they all say that this is the MOST SNOW Kipnuk has had in as long as they can remember. We have only had maybe two or three planes since Saturday.

Talk about exercise, wow. You will have arms and shoulders that will do the crossbow! There has been more snow this winter everywhere. London a few weeks ago - unheard of. But just think Spain is under a heatwave. Maybe it will rise?!