Greetings, blog readers. I am actually going to be positive in today's blog and not rant and rave. Shocking, I know. :)
Ok, here's the situation, "My parents went away on a week's vacation". Sorry, I guess I have The Fresh Prince of Bel Air on the brain. Seriously though, here's what REALLY happened. As most of you know, I am collecting dresses for our upcoming prom. Well, I got a message on Facebook the other day from a lady named Wendy Hodges Bailey. She asked me if I was the Debbie Culpepper that JC Copper (it might have been JR) told her about. I sent her back saying that I AM the person taking the dresses, but I don't know the person she mentioned. I told her that I would love to have her donation but that I didn't want to take it under false pretenses. She said that this person had been in her shop, a consignment shop on 119 in Birmingham, and was telling her all about me. She said that she wanted to send me some dresses from her shop. I told her that I would be more than happy to take any dresses she sent me.
Well, I talked to her again yesterday and she said that she was sending...are you sitting down...about TWENTY dresses. She said that she didn't count them when she put them in the box, but that it was something like that. We chatted for a little while, and I told her all about the village. She then offered to send anything else my kids my need. She was truly concerned for the situation of these kids. I am so grateful that she heard about us.
So, to those of you who have been spreading the word about what I am doing here, I thank you very much. And to whichever one of you might have mentioned me to someone name Copper or to someone who might know this person, THANK YOU!
Wendy mentioned last night that she was running two businesses and that she and her husband both teach Sunday School. Please pray for God to bless them in all their endeavors.
Looking forward to Prom,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fire Update and A Little Hope
From what I have heard, the house that caught fire was a total loss. But, thankfully, no one was injured. I found out this morning the reason that they let school out. Apparently, the school's intake fans were pulling the smoke into the elementary side of the building. Poor little kids were getting smoked out. There was ash everywhere this morning. It was almost like someone had burned a giant pile of paper.
I have some good news. IF the weather cooperates, next weekend I will be flying into Bethel for the Camai Dance Festival. This is very exciting for me because my village is Moravian and does not allow traditional Eskimo dancing--they think it is a form of idolatry. I will try to take some good pictures and post about what I see.
Two months until I come home.
I have some good news. IF the weather cooperates, next weekend I will be flying into Bethel for the Camai Dance Festival. This is very exciting for me because my village is Moravian and does not allow traditional Eskimo dancing--they think it is a form of idolatry. I will try to take some good pictures and post about what I see.
Two months until I come home.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What A Week
Ok, sports fan, I have had the most unusual week, and it's only TUESDAY. This weird week started on Saturday, sort of. I had to go to work on Saturday; and let me tell you, Saturday school is NO FUN. I took an inservice on Non-violent Crisis Prevention. Basically, it was a class to teach us how to handle kids, without hurting them, in case they had a fit or whatever--which is a lot more common that you would expect.
Well, I had a very peaceful Sunday. My roommate was gone to Anchorage, and I cleaned house. It was so nice to be in a clean house. :) Well, Monday morning came and the weather was bad. This is where things start getting strange. About two hours into the day, the power went off, and then it came back on, and then went off, and on, off, on, off, on, off, on, etc. Finally at two o'clock, the required school day, they sent the kids home.
Today, was the really interesting part. Suddenly all of my kids started saying the smelled smoke. I went over by the windows and, sure enough, it smelled like smoke. I called up to the office and told them that something was on fire behind the school. They responded that they already knew. That's fine, but with my luck if I hadn't told them, it would have been the school. Within five minutes people were coming to pick their kids up from school. Within fifteen minutes they were calling school off. Now, it was only about 12:30 so we didn't make the required time so we will have to MAKE IT UP. I was placed as guard at the back door to keep anyone from leaving out that way---the direction of the fire. The majority of students had not eaten lunch yet so the kitchen staff was giving food away left and right. I sent one of the other teachers down to "make a plate for me" while I guarded the door. He came back with a HUGE plate of food. Two chicken sandwiches, enough tater tots to feed a platoon, and some pineapples. So we sat in the floor by the door I was supposed to be guarding and had a picnic.
I could not fathom WHY we would send kids out into the village when there was a house on fire. All they would do would be get in the way. I later found out from our "Acting Sight Administrator" (our actual one is gone for meetings with about half the other staff) that they were afraid the fire would "jump" to the school. WHAT??? So, we all left and had to tell the acting SA where we would be--just in case. When I left the school, there were big pieces of ash all over the ground in front of the school. The fire was about 100 yards on the other side of the school. Since I have been home, I have heard lots of snow machines going to get ice to put on the fire.
Now is a good time to remind you that we have NO RUNNING WATER IN THE VILLAGE. The way they deal with fires is by throwing snow and ice on it, or in summer they bring big buckets of water up from the river. So, I am currently sitting in my little green house hoping that the fire doesn't decide to "jump" this way. I will blog again tomorrow to let you know how it goes.
Trying not to choke on smoke.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Grocery List
We got the weekly "sales circular" from the grocery store in Bethel today. I just thought I would give you a list of prices so you can compare to your grocery. Now remember, this is the SALES circular. I will try to add the village price, for the stuff we get in our store, also.
Stew Meat (4 lbs or more) $4.18 lb.
SPAM 2 for $6
24 Roll Soft Choice Tissue $11.98 ($16.78)
12 Pack Pepsi $8.48 ($15.00)
Potato Chips 11.75 oz. 2 for $10 ($7.50 and up)
Pringles Potato Crisp 3 for $5
Saltine Crackers 2 for $7 ($5.95)
Mr. Clean 40 oz. $7.98
Ice Cream 48 oz (round container) $6.48
Flavorite American Cheese Singles 2 for $8
Butter 1lb 2 for $8
Sour Cream 16 oz 2 for $4.50
4" Mini Cake from the bakery $7.99
Tomatoes $2.88 lb
Iceberg Lettuce $1.88 lb (yes, lettuce is sold by the POUND)
Chicken Breast (Previously Frozen) $3.98lb
Milk $9.89 gal
Now, that is just the price of the food. They charge extra to ship it out. The extra starts at $40 and goes up FAST! So, the next time you complain about your grocery bill. Think again.
Thinking of yummy food.
Stew Meat (4 lbs or more) $4.18 lb.
SPAM 2 for $6
24 Roll Soft Choice Tissue $11.98 ($16.78)
12 Pack Pepsi $8.48 ($15.00)
Potato Chips 11.75 oz. 2 for $10 ($7.50 and up)
Pringles Potato Crisp 3 for $5
Saltine Crackers 2 for $7 ($5.95)
Mr. Clean 40 oz. $7.98
Ice Cream 48 oz (round container) $6.48
Flavorite American Cheese Singles 2 for $8
Butter 1lb 2 for $8
Sour Cream 16 oz 2 for $4.50
4" Mini Cake from the bakery $7.99
Tomatoes $2.88 lb
Iceberg Lettuce $1.88 lb (yes, lettuce is sold by the POUND)
Chicken Breast (Previously Frozen) $3.98lb
Milk $9.89 gal
Now, that is just the price of the food. They charge extra to ship it out. The extra starts at $40 and goes up FAST! So, the next time you complain about your grocery bill. Think again.
Thinking of yummy food.
Oh Where, Oh Where Will I Find a New Job?
(Title to be read to the tune of "Doggie in the Window")
Well, I did it. I signed the paper declining my contract for next year. Now, it is just a matter of turning it in, and I will be officially unemployed as of May 18. That's a scary thought in the recessionistic economy that we are facing. I know that, if I step out in the right direction, that God will put a door of opportunity there for me to find. The question that arises is: What direction is that? I really had aspirations of being a writer when I was younger. Not a novelist, I don't have the foresight to think of an ending five hundred pages away from my beginning. I would LOVE to write for a newspaper or a magazine. Something that is challenging and interesting, and maybe even allows for a little travel. As those jobs are hard to come by, I am looking into technical writing positions at Redstone Arsenal. The work isn't terribly exciting, but working with the military to improve its technical capabilities could prove to be a challenge. (Plus, the added bonus of all those good-looking military guys) Basically, the job would be to take really complicated stuff and explain it in a simpler way. Isn't that what teachers do every day???
I am also looking into working for the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). Their primary function is to look at intelligence and data and make an analysis as to the best ways to protect our troops. It is a "brother" of the CIA. This job would take me, hopefully, all over the world and allow me to help protect the military that protects me every day. Also, I would get to carry a really cool badge and have secret security clearance. :) The only two downsides to this position are that I don't have experience in this area, and I might have to go to some "hotspots".
I know that a lot of people would like to see me teach again. My principal here even told me that it would be a shame for me to get out of the classroom because I am so good at it. I know that I am a good teacher, not to be boastful, but I want to do something else for a while. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that "AHA" moment that kids get. As I type, one of my girls is pouring over a book about the Victorian period. Three days ago she had never heard of the Victorian period, but I connected her to it through something she enjoys----fashion. She has also been researching the Elizabethan period. She reads my blog, so she will know that I talked about her. lol.
At least I know that I will be getting paid through the end of the summer so that allows me a little time to find what I am supposed to do. I followed the directions to come out to Kipnuk, Alaska, and I think I have made a difference here. I hope that I am able to see the sign posts for my new job as clearly as I saw the ones for this one.
Craving your prayers for guidance..
Well, I did it. I signed the paper declining my contract for next year. Now, it is just a matter of turning it in, and I will be officially unemployed as of May 18. That's a scary thought in the recessionistic economy that we are facing. I know that, if I step out in the right direction, that God will put a door of opportunity there for me to find. The question that arises is: What direction is that? I really had aspirations of being a writer when I was younger. Not a novelist, I don't have the foresight to think of an ending five hundred pages away from my beginning. I would LOVE to write for a newspaper or a magazine. Something that is challenging and interesting, and maybe even allows for a little travel. As those jobs are hard to come by, I am looking into technical writing positions at Redstone Arsenal. The work isn't terribly exciting, but working with the military to improve its technical capabilities could prove to be a challenge. (Plus, the added bonus of all those good-looking military guys) Basically, the job would be to take really complicated stuff and explain it in a simpler way. Isn't that what teachers do every day???
I am also looking into working for the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). Their primary function is to look at intelligence and data and make an analysis as to the best ways to protect our troops. It is a "brother" of the CIA. This job would take me, hopefully, all over the world and allow me to help protect the military that protects me every day. Also, I would get to carry a really cool badge and have secret security clearance. :) The only two downsides to this position are that I don't have experience in this area, and I might have to go to some "hotspots".
I know that a lot of people would like to see me teach again. My principal here even told me that it would be a shame for me to get out of the classroom because I am so good at it. I know that I am a good teacher, not to be boastful, but I want to do something else for a while. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that "AHA" moment that kids get. As I type, one of my girls is pouring over a book about the Victorian period. Three days ago she had never heard of the Victorian period, but I connected her to it through something she enjoys----fashion. She has also been researching the Elizabethan period. She reads my blog, so she will know that I talked about her. lol.
At least I know that I will be getting paid through the end of the summer so that allows me a little time to find what I am supposed to do. I followed the directions to come out to Kipnuk, Alaska, and I think I have made a difference here. I hope that I am able to see the sign posts for my new job as clearly as I saw the ones for this one.
Craving your prayers for guidance..
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Snow Pictures
These boots were INSIDE my Arctic entry. That white thing you see to the left of them is OUR FREEZER.
A Note About My Family
For those of you who read my blog for my cutting irony and wit, this blog may not be for you. For those of you who read my blog for an insight into what I thinking, this is for you. For those of you who read my blog for some other reason, I am just using you to create a great example or parallelism. (English 101 term: Parallelism).
I know I usually talk about Alaska, the weather, the people, or the food; but the mood strikes me to blog about something else--my wonderful family. A family that I love a "bushel and a peck" even though I don't tell them enough.
I got the sweetest card from my family yesterday. It was a "just to let you know we are thinking about you" card, and it was the greatest thing ever. The weather has really had me down lately, and my mom thought I could use some cheering up. My niece, who is totally too cool do anything that is even remotely uncool, even drew me a really great picture of the beach. It was supposed to make me feel warm. Well, surprisingly, it did. Just maybe not in the way she had intended. There was also a note from my mom telling me what she and my dad were up to. She was telling me about all the wonderful stuff they are doing. The great part is that she was just writing it so I would know what they were doing. I don't think she realizes that the stuff that she wrote about is so absolutely amazing. My wonderful parents are always going out of their way to help someone else.
My mom and dad send me a box on regular occasion. It is sort of a "things I miss from civilization" box. The box that is coming soon has Easter oreos in it, plus no telling what other sort of wonderful goodies. These little packages are the bright spots in my cold, wintry days.
I am even going to say something nice about my brother....I know, shock right? My brother has been living in my house while I am away (housesitting as it were, and keeping me from having to pay utilities on a house that I am thousands of miles away from). He has been taking care of things for me, planting the shrubs that I want planted but will be too late to plant, and just keeping an eye on things in general. Now, you may wonder what the big deal is about somebody living in your house. My brother, bless his heart, is following all the insane rules I have about my house: no shoes in the house, sweep constantly and mop even when the floor is clean, etc. He is also feeding my car-chasing dog, and taking care of my yard. This all is going on while he is working a full-time job and providing for the afore mentioned really cool niece. (I am going to email him later today and ask him to plant some flowers for me when the weather there clears up a little.) This comes from the brother that I fought with like crazy when we were growing up. I guess we grew out of it.
My niece has her first softball game this week. It is the first softball game of her senior year. She enjoys softball a lot, and I really wish I could be there to watch her. I hope she knows how much I miss her and think about her. I can't wait to get home in May to see her GRADUATION. Holy cow, wasn't she just born like yesterday. We are going to Costa Rica for her graduation trip, and I hope we will have a really great time together without killing each other. My mom says we fight sometimes because we are just alike....she's probably right.
Well, I know that this blog isn't really very interesting for you, but I needed to put it out there.
Waxing sentimental.
PS. The next blog will be about stuff that might interest you more.
I know I usually talk about Alaska, the weather, the people, or the food; but the mood strikes me to blog about something else--my wonderful family. A family that I love a "bushel and a peck" even though I don't tell them enough.
I got the sweetest card from my family yesterday. It was a "just to let you know we are thinking about you" card, and it was the greatest thing ever. The weather has really had me down lately, and my mom thought I could use some cheering up. My niece, who is totally too cool do anything that is even remotely uncool, even drew me a really great picture of the beach. It was supposed to make me feel warm. Well, surprisingly, it did. Just maybe not in the way she had intended. There was also a note from my mom telling me what she and my dad were up to. She was telling me about all the wonderful stuff they are doing. The great part is that she was just writing it so I would know what they were doing. I don't think she realizes that the stuff that she wrote about is so absolutely amazing. My wonderful parents are always going out of their way to help someone else.
My mom and dad send me a box on regular occasion. It is sort of a "things I miss from civilization" box. The box that is coming soon has Easter oreos in it, plus no telling what other sort of wonderful goodies. These little packages are the bright spots in my cold, wintry days.
I am even going to say something nice about my brother....I know, shock right? My brother has been living in my house while I am away (housesitting as it were, and keeping me from having to pay utilities on a house that I am thousands of miles away from). He has been taking care of things for me, planting the shrubs that I want planted but will be too late to plant, and just keeping an eye on things in general. Now, you may wonder what the big deal is about somebody living in your house. My brother, bless his heart, is following all the insane rules I have about my house: no shoes in the house, sweep constantly and mop even when the floor is clean, etc. He is also feeding my car-chasing dog, and taking care of my yard. This all is going on while he is working a full-time job and providing for the afore mentioned really cool niece. (I am going to email him later today and ask him to plant some flowers for me when the weather there clears up a little.) This comes from the brother that I fought with like crazy when we were growing up. I guess we grew out of it.
My niece has her first softball game this week. It is the first softball game of her senior year. She enjoys softball a lot, and I really wish I could be there to watch her. I hope she knows how much I miss her and think about her. I can't wait to get home in May to see her GRADUATION. Holy cow, wasn't she just born like yesterday. We are going to Costa Rica for her graduation trip, and I hope we will have a really great time together without killing each other. My mom says we fight sometimes because we are just alike....she's probably right.
Well, I know that this blog isn't really very interesting for you, but I needed to put it out there.
Waxing sentimental.
PS. The next blog will be about stuff that might interest you more.
Monday, March 2, 2009
It's 4AM, Do You Know Where Your Blizzard Is?
Groundhog's day is supposed to be in February, right? Then why do I feel like I am reliving the same day over and over and over? It is 4:39 A.M. (yeah, you heard me A.M.) and I am awake. WHAT? This is coming from the person with diagnosed narcolepsy, and I am awake at "4 o'clock in the blessed AM" (bonus point for knowing what show that is a quote from). The latest blizzard (I think this is number eight) has me awake. The wind is blowing really hard. I don't even want to venture a guess at what the speed is. Fast enough to make a creepy howling noise, shake my house, and have me awake in what I consider to be the middle of the night. On top of all the lovely wind noise, my allergies are awake and kicking too. You may be wondering what the correlation is between allergies and wind. Well, that's easier than it sounds. The house where I am living has a little mold-in-the-walls problem. When the wind blows really hard, it shakes loose some of the mold, and my eyes feel like I have been sprayed by mace. (Reason #2 that I am awake).
I promise that, if the weather ever gets calm enough for me to get out and take some pictures, you will see how much snow we are getting. There are several houses in the village that have so much snow next to them that you can walk right up onto the roof. We need about another foot to be able to walk onto ours without having to jump a little. Kids have been climbing up and sledding off roofs in the village. You are probably wondering why the kids are out playing in such horrible weather. To them, as long as the wind is below about 25mph and the temp is above -10, the weather is fine for playing. Their parents let them go out in all sorts of mess that my mother would have a stroke if I went out in even now. And some of them aren't dressed for the weather. Now, I am not talking about having baggies on your hands and bread sacks on your feet like we did when it snowed when we were kids. (If you don't get that, you aren't old enough). I see kids out playing in the snow with just sweatshirts and jeans. Not bad if you are only going to be out in snow like we have or for a few minutes, but this is ALASKA.
I had a boy who wanted to shovel the porch to make some money to take with him to the regional basketball tournament (before you think we have a great team, EVERY team goes to a regional tournament because there are so few teams out here). I had him come in and eat something about half-way through. He wasn't wearing any socks. I asked him where his socks were. He said he didn't want to mess them up. I gave him a pair of socks to wear (not those crazy patterned socks I always wear, but real winter socks). Can you imagine going out to shovel snow with no socks? He isn't the first kid I have seen with no socks in this kind of weather. Kids come by all the time wanting to visit--it's a big deal for them to get to come inside "teacher housing" and see what it's like--and a lot of times they have no socks on.(In Alaska, you take your shoes off when you enter someone's home.) I can't even imagine going without socks in the fall, but this is the middle of winter, for heaven's sake. I try to give them socks to put on when I can.
Wow, this was going to be a rant about the weather, and it turned into something all together different. The wind is still howling, the pitch has gone up a little so that means the speed is up. I certainly hope we have a delayed start this morning. I wouldn't want to be a second or third grader walking a mile to school in this.
I am going to TRY to get a little rest before I have to get up. I won't be going back to sleep, but at least maybe I can let my mind rest a little. I also need to take some allergy medication (which might help in the resting part).
Hoping that tomorrow will be a different day.
I promise that, if the weather ever gets calm enough for me to get out and take some pictures, you will see how much snow we are getting. There are several houses in the village that have so much snow next to them that you can walk right up onto the roof. We need about another foot to be able to walk onto ours without having to jump a little. Kids have been climbing up and sledding off roofs in the village. You are probably wondering why the kids are out playing in such horrible weather. To them, as long as the wind is below about 25mph and the temp is above -10, the weather is fine for playing. Their parents let them go out in all sorts of mess that my mother would have a stroke if I went out in even now. And some of them aren't dressed for the weather. Now, I am not talking about having baggies on your hands and bread sacks on your feet like we did when it snowed when we were kids. (If you don't get that, you aren't old enough). I see kids out playing in the snow with just sweatshirts and jeans. Not bad if you are only going to be out in snow like we have or for a few minutes, but this is ALASKA.
I had a boy who wanted to shovel the porch to make some money to take with him to the regional basketball tournament (before you think we have a great team, EVERY team goes to a regional tournament because there are so few teams out here). I had him come in and eat something about half-way through. He wasn't wearing any socks. I asked him where his socks were. He said he didn't want to mess them up. I gave him a pair of socks to wear (not those crazy patterned socks I always wear, but real winter socks). Can you imagine going out to shovel snow with no socks? He isn't the first kid I have seen with no socks in this kind of weather. Kids come by all the time wanting to visit--it's a big deal for them to get to come inside "teacher housing" and see what it's like--and a lot of times they have no socks on.(In Alaska, you take your shoes off when you enter someone's home.) I can't even imagine going without socks in the fall, but this is the middle of winter, for heaven's sake. I try to give them socks to put on when I can.
Wow, this was going to be a rant about the weather, and it turned into something all together different. The wind is still howling, the pitch has gone up a little so that means the speed is up. I certainly hope we have a delayed start this morning. I wouldn't want to be a second or third grader walking a mile to school in this.
I am going to TRY to get a little rest before I have to get up. I won't be going back to sleep, but at least maybe I can let my mind rest a little. I also need to take some allergy medication (which might help in the resting part).
Hoping that tomorrow will be a different day.
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