Well, the lovely spring has finally made its way to the tundra. I actually walked to school today with no hat, no gloves, and no scarf. That, to me, is a sure sign that spring has arrived. The only problem is that we have eight months worth of snow that has to go somewhere. That means lakes where there is dry ground in the summer. The snow melt here is tricky. The snow melts in some places and the water starts to flow. That means that the rest of the snow melts from the BOTTOM UP. I know that sounds crazy, but that's what happens. You may think that the patch ahead of you is solid snow, but it is very likely that it is only fooling you. It is probably only five or six inches of snow on top on a river or lake of water. This can be very hazardous. I am posting some pictures that I took today after going to the post office. You are going to think that I have taken pictures of the ocean. They aren't. They are pictures of the melt off.
Can't wait to see you guys in less than two weeks.
the pictures still are amazing and so is the story, can't wait to get you back south. Have a safe and uneventful trip home.